Donating to Riverdale Children’s Theatre

Facts About Your Donation

You can make a difference:  Donate to Riverdale Children’s Theatre!

Thank you to all of our loyal donors and friends who contribute to RCT each year. Your friendship and support is invaluable to our success. For those of you who have not donated in the past – or if you’re interested in learning more about donating to Riverdale Children’s Theatre, please take a moment to read the following information. Supporting your favorite theatre company with an annual donation is more valuable than you think! 

There are many ways of contributing financial support  Whichever way you choose, you gain both personal and financial rewards.  Making a contribution gives you the immense satisfaction of knowing you have played a tangible role in the continued excellence of Riverdale Children’s Theatre and to the future of the Bronx.  

Also , please consider a:

Charitable Bequest

Charitable Lead Trust

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

IRA Beneficiary

Living Revocable Trust

Other Beneficiary Designations 

Frequently Asked Questions

COVID 19 has taken a huge toll on our organization.  95% of our operating budget was from tuitions and ticket sales. 

Is my donation tax deductible? YES – to the full extent allowed by law! After your donation is processed by our office you will receive a thank you letter with all the information necessary. Please contact your tax advisor for further information.

What do you do with my donation? We spend it on the shows and instructors and most importantly, our scholarships. Next time you attend a performance, just look at the costumes, props, theater rental and scenery to see the effects of your generosity. Think of the cost of producing the video, renting the space, etc. Appreciate the level of excellence the young performers have achieved and be assured that your donation will directly fund the productions and performers in all of our programs.  When attending or watching a Riverdale Children’s Theatre production at home, take pride in knowing your contribution is reflected on that stage.

Give to the Riverdale Children’s Theatre

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